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1st Days of Pesach 5775


Dear Elmora Hills Minyan family,

After weeks of anticipation and preparation, the Leil HaSeder and Zman Cheiruseinu are just hours away. We look forward to davening and learning with you over yuntif, especially all the parents, children and grandchildren who will be with us!

Please remember to check your tallis bag and cubby in shul for any chametz.

Please see the attached safety alert from our friends at Hatzalah of Union County. 

Mincha this evening is at 7:10 followed by mincha after shekia. I will be available from 7:40-8pm for anyone who has not yet taken care of their mechiras chametz. Bedikas chametz should be done after 8:05

Erev Pesach

Shachris will begin at 5:40am and 8am; both will be followed by a siyum for bechorim by Dr. Art Weinstein.

The last time to eat chametz is at 10:28am and all chametz must be burned, nullified and sold by 11:44. There will be a communal biur chametz in the JEC parking lot. Please only bring chametz (bread, not corn flakes) wrapped in paper bags or cardboard - do not wrap it in plastic! 

Garbage pickup in Union is on Friday, though the time is subject to the town's employees and therefore somewhat unpredictable. EHM members from Elizabeth are welcome to add their chametz trash to the shul's garbage pile until it is picked up. All chametz must be out of our possession by 11:44, including from our garbage cans.

Neiros Shabbos v'Yom Tov should be lit by 7:05pm, with mincha to follow at 7:15. The afikoman should be eaten and Hallel should be completed by chatzos, 12:59am.

Pesach 1

After a long night around the seder table, shachris will begin at9am and will include Shir HaShirim and Tefilas Tal. We will say "Mashiv HaRuach U'Morid HaGeshem" for the last time during shachris.

Mincha will be at 7:05 followed by a shiur and maariv at 7:40pm. Neiros Yom Tov may be lit and preparations for the second seder may begin after 8:09. Please remember to count the first night of sefira!

Pesach 2

Shachris will be at 9am, mincha at 7:15 followed by a shiur. Maariv will begin and yom tov will end at 8:11.

Chol HaMoed 

Shachris will be at 5:35am and 8am. Mincha will be at 7:20pm.

Please see attached for the full schedule for Pesach 5775. Details regarding the last days and purchasing chametz after Pesach will be sent next week.

Wishing you and your family a chag kasher v'sameach,

Rabbi Michael Bleicher

March 13, 2015

Parshios Vaykhel-Pekudai, Parshas Parah, Mevorchim Nisan - March 13, 2015


Yasher koach to all of you for participating in our gala luncheon this past Sunday honoring Rabbi & Rebbetzin Dombroff. The great turnout was a tribute to their commitment and dedication and we look forward to seeing them again soon. Please be on the lookout for the electronic zmanim board that will iy"H be going up in the weeks ahead. If you'd like to participate in that tribute to our long-time gabbai, Art Weinstein, please contact Steve Schnipper. Photos of the elegant affair (as well as last week's Purim seudah) are available here:
Shabbos Schedule:
This erev Shabbos, Parshios Vayakhel-Pekudai, Parshas Parah, neiros should be lit by 6:43pm with mincha to follow at 6:53pm.
Kiddush this Shabbos mevorchim Nisan is sponsored by the shul. In honor of Parshas Parah we will be serving our famous chulent filled with succulent meat. In addition to our famous chulent, we'll also be serving blueberry crumb and lemon meringue pie in honor of Pi Day 2015 which is tomorrow, 3/14/15, the first 5 digits of pi - the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
By popular demand, my shiur on Shabbos afternoon at 5:45 is entitled, "What Belongs In Sheimos? - Part 2"
Mincha will begin at 6:30 followed by shalosh seudos where we'll continue our study of the 4th perek of Mishnayos Brachos and, as always, discuss a question posed to Rav Yitzchak Zilberstein. Shabbos will end and maariv will begin at 7:47.
From 8:30-9pm on Motzei Shabbos and from 6:30-6:50pm on Sunday I will be available for mechiras chametz. Please check the attached chart for other days and times.
The Week Ahead
At 8pm  this Tuesday night I'll be giving a shiur in shul entitled, " "Preparing for Pesach with Seichel and Sanity" on kashering for Pesach and other Pesach-related issues. There will be plenty of time for questions and answers and I invite you to submit questions in advance via email.
Looking Ahead
We will once again be hosting all 3 seudos on Shabbos Hagadol (March 27th and 28th) and you're welcome to join us for as many as you'd like. (Please note that we will not be serving kiddush following davening on Shabbos morning.) Reservations are due by Monday, March 23rd and because space is limited, members' reservations submitted by this coming Wednesday, March 18th will be given priority. Price and sponsorship information is attached, we look forward to dining with you!
While we have received some donations for Maos Chitin, it's not nearly enough. We will be disbursing the funds as they become available so that people in need don't have to wait anxiously for help until too close to erev Pesach. Please give as early and generously as you can.

If you are able to make a siyum on Erev Pesach for bechorim, please contact me as soon as possible.

If your son, son-in-law or other guest would be interested in giving a shiur between mincha and maariv over the first days of yom tov, please let me know as soon as possible.

Important Zmanim for Parshios Vayakhel-Pekudai:

Candle lighting - 6:43

Mincha - 6:53pm

Shachris - 8:30am

Sof z'man kerias shema - 10:08am

Shiur – 5:45pm

Mincha, followed by shalosh seudos - 6:30pm

Shabbos ends & maariv begins - 7:47pm


Wishing you a wonderful (erev) Shabbos Mevorchim,

Rabbi Michael Bleicher

March 6, 2015

Yasher koach to everyone who made our annual raffle such a success by buying so many raffle tickets - everyone wins when we support the shul! Mazal tov to our $1,000 grand prize winners, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Garber, our $250 in EHM credit winners, Mr. & Mrs. Zeev Lieser and to the winners of the deluxe hot plate just in time for Shabbos, Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Elyaszadeh. For the rest of us: better luck and buy more tickets next year!
Finally, yasher koach to everyone who prepared, cooked for, set up cleaned up and shoveled the sidewalks so that everyone could enjoy our annual Purim seudah. Thanks to the inclement weather, the last minute RSVP's only enhanced the simcha. Thank you to Chef Mark Bloomberg for preparing such a balanced menu with such an array of ingredients and flavors. Thank you as well to Shlomo & Rina Lieberman, Steve, Alyssa, Andy and Jake Schnipper.
Please remember to spring your clocks forward at 2am on Motzei Shabbos.
And then 9 hours later...We look forward to seeing you at the EHM Gala luncheon honoring Rabbi & Rebbetzin Dombroff. It's a great opportunity to support the shul, socialize with friends and, most importantly, pay tribute to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Dombroff for their years of dedication and service to our shul. The luncheon will begin at noon on March 8th at the Union Y. The journal is complete but there are still some seats available. Please see attached for more information.
After the luncheon, JFS will be running their supermarket sweep where they will be collecting food for the community food pantry that benefits over 130 families each month, including a growing number of members of our community by offering kosher chickens, vegetables and other groceries. Help them sort products at the JFS food pantry, located in the back of JFS on Westfield Avenue, from 4-6pm. Raffles, snacks and pizza will be served for all volunteers. This is a great chesed opportunity for individuals or families. If you know of anyone who might benefit from access to the food pantry as we approach Pesach, or during the rest of the year, please let me know and I will address the matter confidentially and discreetly.
On Tuesday night at 8:30pm I will be giving an interactive online shiur entitled, "Pesach: Esther's Pivot Towards Redemption," as part of Project Sinai's month-long global "Purim to Pesach Redemption" series. I'm honored to have been invited to participate in this program along with other world renown Torah luminaries and I invite you to join me online and sign up for any other other shiurim in the series that pique your interest. More information is available and via the attached flyer.
Our first donation for Maos Chitin has already arrived. We will be disbursing the funds as they become available so that people in need don't have to wait anxiously for help until too close to erev Pesach. Please give as early and generously as you can.
Mechiras chametz forms will be sent out via email and printed forms will be available in shul beginning next week. If you'd like a copy mailed to you, please reply to this message.
There is a lot more in store for Nisan at EHM, more details to come iyH next week.
Mon, March 31 2025 2 Nisan 5785