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Teen Lag B'Omer 5775 BBQ, Bonfire, Kumzits and S'mores - May 6, 2015

All teens are invited to the Elmora Hills Minyan's Lag B'Omer BBQ, Bonfire and Kumzits this Wednesday night, May 6th, at 8pm. 

Admission is $10 per teen, and we encourage sponsorships to help defray our costs.

Please email by Monday, May 4th to reserve your seat around the fire!

Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Shalom Hammer at EHM Parshios Acharei Mos - Kedoshim, May 2, 2015

On Shabbos Parshios Acharei Mos – Kedoshim, May 2, EHM will warmly welcome Rabbi Shalom Hammer as our scholar in residence. Rabbi Hammer will be speaking on Shabbos morning, before mincha and will offer a multimedia presentation at our Motzei Shabbos melava malka.

Rabbi Shalom Hammer has lived in Israel for the past 25 years. He served in the Rabbinate Division of the Israeli Defense Forces and currently serves as a lecturer for the IDF to help motivate troops in all divisions and infuse Jewish Identity. Previously, he taught at the Yeshivat Hesder Kiryat Gat affiliated with Sderot. Currently Rabbi Hammer is involved in his own initiative offering lectures throughout the country on the basics of Judaism to many secular kibbutzim and moshavim. He also serves as a lecturer for The Israel Government Fellows of the Menachem Begin Heritage Center and has authored four books, most recently Derash Yehonatan. Rabbi Hammer is a contributing writer for the Jerusalem Post and has lectured in Jewish communities throughout the Diaspora including the United States, United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia.

For sponsorship opportunities, please email us at

Yom Hazikaron 5775 Screening of "Beneath the Helmet"

Close to 100 people came to the Elmora Hills Minyan to show their support for fallen Israeli solders on Yom Hazikaron. We watched the powerful film, "Beneath the Helmet," and bought snacks, the proceeds of which were donated to Friends of the IDF and Yashar LaChayal. May we merit to not read any more names next year and may their neshamos have an aliyah for the courage and heroism they displayed in defending Eretz Yisrael.


EHM Gala Luncheon Honoring Rabbi & Rebbetzin Dombroff - March 8th 2015

EHM Annual Purim Raffle 5775

Tu Be'Shevat Seder for Women - February 3, 2014

Shovavim Series 5775

Feb 3, 2015

The Mathilde Goldflies Mikvah proudly invites the community to participate in the following programs during these weeks of Shovavim:

On Wednesday evening, February 4th, Rebbetzin Peshi Neuberger will begin the first of a two-part review of hilchos taharas hamishpacha for married women at the JEC Reibel Beis Medrash at 8:15pm. Part two will be held next Wednesdaynight, February 11th. Suggested donation $10.
Thursday night at 8:30, Rabbi Bleicher will give the second part of the review series for married men at AI (preceded by ma'ariv at 8:20 and followed by ma'ariv at 9:20). Fleishig refreshments will be served.
Everyone is invited to attend the annual Mathilde Goldflies Mikvah Melava Malka and raffle this Motzei Shabbos at JEC beginning at 8:15. To reserve your seat and purchase raffle tickets, please click here:
In the zechus of our uniting as a community to fortify our observance of this critical area of halacha in our lives, may we be zoche to shalom bayis and all of the brachos and nachas we daven for on behalf of ourselves, our families and the community.

EHM Youth BBQ Melava Malka - January 3, 2015

Community-Wide Friday Night Oneg on Tefilah - December 26th, 2014

Shabbos Chanukah Tisch 5775

EHM Chanukah Party 5775

Girls Challah Baking - December 4, 2015

Update this content.

A Shabbos of Thanksgiving at EHM - November 29th, 2014

Thanksgiving Morning Shiur with Rabbi Doniel Dombroff of Bais HaVaad

Sisterhood Glass Painting - November 24 2014

EHM Youth Oneg - November 7th 2014

Sukkah Hop 5775 - October 9 2014

Sukkah Hop 5775

Mon, March 31 2025 2 Nisan 5785