Upcoming Events
Purim Seudah - 5785/2025
Note: Megillah readings will follow 5:49 and 7:30 Shacharis;
there will be no "late" reading.
Pre-Chanukah Event - 5785/2024
Motzei Shabbos Vayishlach 5785/2024 at 8:00 PM
following Membership Meeting
Click to Reserve your spot by December 11
Eruv Initiative - OU & CBH 5784/2024
Join The OU & CBH Eruv Initiative
inaugural event
Sunday, July 28, 2024 at 6:30 PM
Click to Reserve your spot by July 22
program with meat dinner followed by Mincha/Maariv
Lag Ba'Omer 5784/2024
Join CBH and the entire community for a Musical Lag Ba'Omer Extravaganza
Sunday May 26 at 5:30 PM
Rahway River Park, Maple Picnic Area #1
-For driving directions to Rahway
River Park, click here -
Mother's Day Kiddush 5784/2024
Please join us:
Congregation Beis Hillel's
Mother's Day Kiddush
Sponsorships of $18, $36, $54, or $100
greatly appreciated.
Shlomo Lieberman 917-478-7813
Shabbos HaGadol Seudos 2024
No time, no strength, no chametz?
Please Join us:
Congregation Beis Hillel's
Shabbos HaGadol Seudos
(April 19 & April 20)
Dinner: $23 per adult (14 & up)
and $16 per child (4-13)
Lunch: $25 per adult (14 & up)
and $17 per child (4-13)
Sponsorships of $18, $54, 100 or $180
greatly appreciated
RSVPs are due by motzei Shabbos April 13
Space is limited – RSVP asap!
Shlomo Lieberman 917-478-7813
Please note that there will be no Kiddish at shul after davening on Shabbos HaGadol
Melava Malka 2/3/24
Teens: Combine Krav Maga And Bitachon!
Men's Sunday Breakfast March 26
Pre-Pesach Shiur For Women March 21
Pia Pascha March 20
Union County Challah Bake
February at CBH
Men's Taharas HaMishpacha Refresher
Upcoming Events at CBH in January
2023 Annual Dinner - February 5th
Please join us in honoring Mark & Shari Bloomberg.
Reservations and journal ads can be made by clicking here.
Chanukah Chagiga and Breakfast & Brachos Program Cancelled
Due to extenuating circumstances, the Breakfast and Brachos program that was scheduled for Sunday, December 18th, and the Chanukah Chagiga that was scheduled for Wednesday, December 21st, are both cancelled. We regret any inconvenience.
Toy Drive
Annual Pre-Chanukah Package Party & Raffle
Raffle Prizes
"Pia Pascha" for single ladies
Shavuos 5776 Schedule
To sponsor a shiur click here.
Shavuos Night BBQ and Learning
So that our grillmasters have enough food on hand to go around, reservations are a must if you'd like to enjoy the BBQ on Shavuos night - click here to RSVP.
Reserve your wings, hot dogs, burgers, ribs and dessert today by filling out the information below.
The cost is just $10 for children under 13, $25 for everyone else.
Sponsorship opportunities are available at the following levels: $54 - Naaseh; $72 - Nishma; $100 - Naaseh V'Nishma.
Pre-Shavuos Edible Flower Making
Wednesday, June 8, 2016 • 2 Sivan 5776
8:00 PM - 10:00 PMUnion Y
The EHM Sisterhood Proudly Presents: Pre-Shavuos Edible Flower Making led by Sheina Herrera of Sheina Grapes on Wednesday, June 8 at 8pm at the Union Y.
Join us as we learn how to transform ordinary fruits & vegetables into flower masterpieces. The class will include demonstrations and hands-on instruction.
The cost of $18 per person includes all supplies.
Sponsorship opportunities are available: $36, $54, $72.
Space for this event is limited so RSVP online by clicking here or via email to EHMSisterhood@gmail.com by Sunday, June 5
2016 Annual Dinner - May 22nd
Please join us in honoring Dr. Ellie & Sylvia Schneider and in paying tribute to Rabbi Joseph Preil zt"l.
Reservations and journal ads can be made by clicking here.
Yom Hazikaron 2016 - May 10, 2016
In the past year 68 Israeli soldiers and citizens were killed defending our homeland.
Join us tonight as we mark Yom Hazikaron including tefilot for the fallen, for Israel's Defense Forces and for the State of Israel.
The program will conclude with a screening of the award-winning film produced by Nancy Spielberg, "Above and Beyond" which documents the story of the American, foreign and Israeli pilots who flew warplanes to help defend the new State of Israel in 1948 during Israel's War of Independence.
Shabbos HaGadol Seudos
Please see below for information on our Shabbos HaGadol Seudos. We hope you can join us. Please click here to sponsor or reserve your seats.
Purim Seudah
Please see below for information on our Purim Seudah. We hope to see you there. Please click here to sponsor or reserve your seats.
Purim Raffle 5776
Please see below for information on our exciting Purim Raffle and click here to purchase your tickets.
Situational Awareness Presentation - February 20th
In our continued efforts to enhance the safety of our shul, our members and our community, EHM is proud to present a lecture by local self-defense instructor, Yossi Mason, entitled, "Situational Awareness: Seven Tactics to Avoid Danger" on Motzei Shabbos, February 20th, from 8-9pm at EHM.
EHM Sisterhood Pre-Tu Be'Shevat Seder for Women
The EHM Sisterhood proudly presents a pre-Tu B'Shevat Seder for women led by Yael Bleicher.
Join us as we savor the שבעת המינים including a variety of fruits, grains and wines/grape juice.
Tuesday, January 12th, at 8pm
Elmora Hills Minyan - 961 Magie Avenue Union, NJ 07083
$10 per person - RSVP by clicking here or emailing EHMSisterhood@gmail.com by Thursday, January 7th.
Sponsorships available: $54, $72, $100, $180
An Evening of Inspiration with Judge Dan Butler - December 26, 2015
EHM invites the community to join us this Motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayechi, December 26th, at 7pm to hear an emotional, personal journey with Judge Dan Butler entitled, "Your son has a half hour to live and your car is being towed away..."
There is no charge to attend but sponsorships are appreciated. Click here to sponsor online or email us at ElmoraHillsMinyan@gmail.com for more information.
2nd Annual EHM Family Chanukah Party - December 7th, 2015
Join us at the 2nd annual EHM Chanukah party on the 2nd night of Chanukah, Monday night, December 7 at 6:30pm at the Union Y, featuring Mentalist Denny More and a dairy dinner. Cost is $10 per child under age 14, $15 per adult age 14+, max $60 per family. Sponsorship opportunities are available at the following levels: $72 Candle; $136, Dreidel; $180 Menorah; $250 Maccabee. To RSVP or sponsor, click here.
Thanksgiving Weekend 2015
Join us for a special Thanksgiving-themed kiddush sponsored by the Maltz family as well as a shiur by Rabbi Bleicher before mincha entitled, "Reflections on the Journey from Black Friday to Giving Tuesday."
Thanksgiving Day Breakfast & Shiur - November 26, 2015
Following 8am shacharis on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday November 26, all men are invited to enjoy breakfast followed by a shiur by Rabbi Bleicher entitled, "An Uber Ride to Thanksgiving Dinner."
Parshas Toldos, November 13-14, Scholar-in-Residence Weekend: Rabbi Etan Schnall
This coming Shabbos, Parshas Toldos, the Elmora Hills Minyan is honored to host Rabbi Etan Schnall, magid shiur at Yeshiva University, as our scholar-in-residence. We hope you will join us as Rabbi Schnall presents a shiur at a Friday night oneg at 7:30pm at the Bleicher home entitled, "Chesed and the Double Standard," the drasha on Shabbos morning entitled, "Identical Needs, Divergent Results," and a shiur before mincha for men and women entitled,"Yaakov & Esav: Twins in the Torah." To co-sponsor this exciting Shabbos of limud haTorah click here.
Rabbi Lazer Brody Shiur - November 8th at 8pm
The Elmora Hills Minyan is honored to host the world renowned Rabbi Lazer Brody on 27 Cheshvan / Sunday, November 8th, 2015 at 8pm for a shiur entitled, "Hashem Where Are You? Finding Hashem Within Life's Challenges." Books and CD's will be available for purchase following the shiur and sponsorship opportunities are available. Admission is free but space may be limited to so please reserve your seat by emailing RabbiBrodyToElizabeth@gmail.com.
13th Annual Rachel Imeinu Video Shiur - October 25th at 8pm
All women are invited to the 13th annual Rachel Imeinu International Video Shiur for women and girls featuring an introduction from Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky, shiurim from Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller and Rebbetzin Tehila Jaeger and a message from Rav Asher Weiss. The shiur will be held at EHM at 8pm this Sunday evening, October 25th. There is no charge for this program but donations to the Torah Umersorah Aniyim Fund to help the impoverished in Israel will be gratefully accepted. We thank the Bloomberg family for generously sponsoring this community-wide event.
Shabbos Chol HaMoed Sukkos Teen Oneg - October 2nd
2nd Annual EHM Youth Sukkah Hop - September 28
Community-Wide Kinus Teshuva - Sunday, September 20, 2015
The Vaad HaRaabbonim of Greater Elizabeth presents a community-wide Aseres Yemei Teshuva kinus teshuva and united tefilah event:
Amudei HaOlam: Torah, Avodah U’Gemilus Chassadim
Sunday September 20, 2015
JEC Elmora Shul
The kinus teshuva will be followed by a united communal mincha at 6:45pm.
Shabbos Shuva Drasha 5776
The community is invited to Rabbi Bleicher's Shabbos Shuva Drasha 5776 entitled, "Teshuva At 37,500" which will begin at 5:35 followed by mincha at 6:25pm.
Sisterhood: Pre-Rosh Hashana shiur - Parshas Nitzavim 5775 / September 12, 2015
Nearly 75 women raved about her following her first visit to EHM two months ago so we've invited her back by popular demand. End the last Shabbos of the year off on a high with another inspiring lecture for women by Jackie Engel, entitled, "Rosh Hashana: Unlock the Power & Create the Year of Your Dreams." Jackie is a psychologist, international speaker, former teacher at Neve Yerushalayim and currently the director of SouledNYC as well as the Jewish Student Leaders Foundation. To sponsor this wonderful learning opportunity, please email Yael Bleicher.
Pre-Rosh Hashana Mitzvah Fair - September 6, 2015
The Elmora Hills Minyan Youth Department invites the entire community to a fantastic a Pre-Rosh Hashana Mitzvah Fair on Sunday, September 6 from 10:30am-12:30pm. The program includes lots of exciting hands-on experiences and crafts for kids to bring an array of mitzvos to life, plus an exciting chesed program and more. Adults are invited to have their mezuzos and tefilin checked by Rabbi Zelig Mandel of Sofer Plus in Passaic who will also be selling mezuzos, mezuzah covers and tzitzis. Rabbi Mandel will check mezuzos for $10 and tefilin for $85. Finally, as we daven for a year of life in 5776, adults over age 18 can have their cheeks swabbed to join Gift of Life's international life-saving bone marrow donor registry free of charge. Children will have a great time for only $15 per child. To sponsor this incredible day of mitzvos for young and old: Apple & Honey - $36, Sukkah Supreme - $54, Mitzvah Mania - $100. To RSVP or for more information, please contact EHMYouth@gmail.com. To download the flyer click here.
Shabbos Chazon & Tisha B'Av Schedule 5775
To download this flyer, please click here.
Tisha B'Av Video 5775
To download this flyer, please click here.
Father's Day Kiddush 2015
To download this flyer click here.
Graduation Kiddush 2015
Mazal tov to all the graduates of the class of 2015! To download the flyer click here.
Kiddush this week is sponsored by:
- Rabbi & Rebbetzin Bleicher in honor of Meira's graduation from nursery at the JEC.
- Mark & Shari Bloomberg in honor of Andy's graduation from 8th grade at JKHA.
- Rabbi Yossi & Rachel Kenigsberg in honor of Gavi's graduation from kindergarten at Toras Emes, Ari Manheim's receiving semicha and a Masters in Education from Lander College and a Masters in Social Work from Hunter College, Andy Goldsweig's completing his cardiology fellowship at Yale and Yossi's certification as a Wilson Reading Program Specialist
- Maryanne & Robert Mandelbaum in honor of Shayna's graduation from 8th grade at JKHA
- Charla & Steve Schnipper in honor of Andy's graduation from 8th grade at JKHA and Jacob's 9th birthday
- Naomi & Josh Stroock in honor of Dalya's bat mitzvah, Ezra's graduation from 8th grade at JKHA and Uri's graduation from kindergarten at JKHA
- Rabbi Shlomoh & Judy Wohlgemuth in honor of Maya Goldstein's graduation from The Frisch School, Jacob Kluger's graduation from RPRY and William Kluger's graduation from MTA
- Sue & Art Weinstein in honor of Jacob Savitt's graduation from RTMA, Abby Savitt's bat mitzvah and her advancement to middle school at Bruriah.
Shavuos 5775 at EHM
Tikun Leil Shavuos 5775
Our Leil Shavuos program includes something for everyone.
Thanks to all our volunteers, we'll have shiurim throughout the night for men and women, a program for teen boys and teen girls and plenty of room for chavrusas to learn together or individuals to learn on their own.
Since Shavuos is the chag of "חצי לה', חצי לכם", during our 5-hour long Tikun Leil Shavuos, we will offer 14 fascinating shiurim along with plenty of coffee and refreshments, a sizzling mouthwatering BBQ, followed by an inspiring Shachris at sunrise.
To sponsor a shiur for $54, click here.
Shavuos Night BBQ
So that our grillmasters have enough food on hand to go around, reservations are a must if you'd like to enjoy the BBQ on Shavuos night - click here to RSVP.
Reserve your wings, hot dogs, burgers, ribs and dessert today by filling out the information below.
The cost is just $10 for children under 13, $25 for everyone else.
Sponsorship opportunities are available at the following levels: $54 - Naaseh; $72 - Nishma; $100 - Naaseh V'Nishma.
EHM Torah Trivia Contest & Shavuos Sundaes on Sunday
All youth in nursery-5th graders are invited to join us for "Torah Trivia & Shavuos Sundaes on Sunday" at 4pm the 1st day of Shavuos in the Bleicher backyard.
Sponsorships of $18, $36 and $54 are available. RSVP here to reserve your scoop!
Mother's Day Kiddush - Parshas Emor 5775 (20 Iyar / May 9th)
What better way to honor your mother, grandmother, wife or daughter this Mother's Day Weekend, Parshas Emor (20 Iyar / May 9th) than by co-sponsoring the EHM Mother's Day Kiddush in her honor?
Students can sponsor in honor of their mothers for just $10, all others are invited to sponsor for $18, $36 or $54.
Email us at ElmoraHillsMinyan@gmail.com by Thursday, May 7th.
Happy Mother's Day!
Mother's Day Kiddush Sponsors
Sat, March 29 2025
29 Adar 5785
The Purim Raffle is Underway!
Today's Calendar
Shabbos Mevarchim |
Parshas HaChodesh |
Shacharis : 8:30am |
Shabbos Mincha : 6:50pm |
Maariv/Motzaei Shabbos : 8:04pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Apr 10 Bedikas Chometz this evening Thursday, Apr 10 |
Apr 11 Biur Chometz before 11:30 AM Friday, Apr 11 |
Apr 12 Eat Chometz until 10:20 AM Saturday, Apr 12 |
Apr 12 Remove/dispose all chometz before 11:30 AM Saturday, Apr 12 |
Apr 14 Maariv/Motzaei Yom Tov Monday, Apr 14 8:21pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshas Pekudei
Candle Lighting
Shabbos, Mar 29, 7:00pm |
Shabbos Mevarchim & Parshas HaChodesh
Shabbos, Mar 29 |
CBH reserves the right to use any photo/video taken at CBH or at an CBH sponsored event for publicity purposes, including our website. If you do not wish us to use a photo/video of you (or your family), please notify us in writing.
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